Wednesday, October 15, 2008

We need Joe Six Pack and Joe the Plumber, Not Joe Stalin ! ! !

Well, here we are.  The night of the third and final Presidential Debate and we are in trouble.  The Market is tanking, McCain won't fight to win and Obama is getting ready to bring his Chicago style Socialist Political Thuggery to Washington.   We have been hearing "Hope and Change" for so long now, but people actually have no idea what that means.  Well this guy here will tell you all a little secret.  Come a little closer and I will tell you......Are you listening?  What it means is SOCIALISM AND WEALTH DISTRIBUTION YOU FOOLS ! ! ! !  Wake Up for the love of God.  You Volvo driving, Chroc wearing, Politically Correct apologists have no idea what you are voting this country in to.  Joe American does not need to be told what to do, how much we can make or when we can get medical care.  We need to be left alone.  Helping the most needy Americans is done everyday by PRIVATE organizations.  We do not need the government, the same one that is corrupt and can't deliver on what we the people need, taking our hard earned dollars to give to people who do not work as hard or as smart as most of us do.  I have an idea.  How about having Joe Six Pack bring a poor lazy person to work to show him a skill he can use to make his own money.  That seems to be a good idea.  None of our tax dollars needed for that.  I am sure we could all train someone to at least cut grass, put up a fence or paint a house.  We do not need Barack Lenin crushing our hope or stealing our change, we need ourselves, our families and our faith to help us figure out how to be productive/contributing members of a free society.   BE FREE ! ! ! !

Friday, October 3, 2008

They huffed and puffed and took all your stuff

Can you smell that?  It is America burning.  Much like Nero our government is now drunk with power, corruption and demagoguery and watching America burn.  The people we have elected to represent us have just screwed us.  They have basically just said that it is okay to not be personally responsible for anything because the government will mike it all okay.  Well you know what.... The government is not your mommy, it is not going to put you on its knee and kiss your boo boo.  It is going to put you on its knee, turn you upside down and shake all of the money out of your pockets just before it takes your company's profits, in the name of socialism, causing them to have to let you go.  

Government is supposed to be a minimally invasive organization that protects our rights and liberties, not one that treads all over them.  The Congress is making it cool to be personally, socially or financially irresponsible.  They are making it okay to "misspeak" and not stand for anything. This is crap!!!

When you wake up to this reality one day you will realize that I was right.  But on that day it will be too late and you will be living in government housing, speaking Spanish and living in the North American Peoples Union.  

You are being  marched to slaughter right now in the name of political correctness, equality at any cost and redistribution of your wealth.  Don't be the first two little piggies; be the last one in the brick house.  Because the Democrats are coming to try and blow your house down so they can take and redistribute all of your stuff.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Liberal Criminals will have us wearing gray pajamas soon unless you get off the couch and participate in this disappearing democracy

Here it comes.  Can you feel it?  No?  Well you soon will.  It is your rights and liberties being pulled from your gripping hands.  All that has been going on in Washington and New York over the last few weeks and I would imagine that most of you sheople sat back and let it happen to you hoping it would not hurt.  Unfortunately it is going to hurt and hurt bad.  The government is taking a step towards socialism that will be hard to reverse.  It is perfect timing as McCain refuses to act like he wants to win the election or take aggressive stands against Obama and his Stalinist machine.  

How can someone who pushed the "Surge" in Iraq just sit here and take the crap being spewed by the Obama campaign and the Left-Wing Media Attack Machine?  We need a leader who will be strong.  One who will fight.  One who will stand for conservative values.  Not one who calls everyone his friend.  WAKE UP........ They are not your friends.  They want to take your 7 houses and give them to poor people and illegal immigrants. 

John, may I call you John?  I think it is about time you took a few minutes, reach deep down in your heart and get that last bit of strength to fight for AMERICA.  If you do nothing we will be in a heap of trouble as we are all sent to Hollywood reeducation camps to be taught songs to honor our "Dear Leader."